How to Know If a Man is Testing You & How to Pass These Deadly Tests - This Will Help You a Lot

How to Know If a Man is Testing You & How to Pass These Deadly Tests – This Will Help You a Lot

It is common knowledge that both men and women test each other. This is a natural thing to do as each want to know if the other truly loves them or not! There are many reasons why men test their women. If you are eager to know if your man is testing you, then look for these signs.

He will test your fidelity

The most important criteria for a man is the fidelity and loyalty of his woman. He will put you to test to see if you are faithful or not. He might do this in different ways – like pretending to go out of town on business and turning up unexpectedly, watch you closely while out on a date to see if you flirt with other men etc.

He will test if you are the jealous type

When a woman is a little jealous it does prove that …

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Why Men Cheat, My Opinion

Why Men Cheat, My Opinion

Cheating is the worst thing one can do to their spouse. With the exception of physical abuse and torture, or murder.

I personally know that cheating destroys the whole world of the other spouse, and children. When you marry, it is a commitment until death do we part. When a husband cheats on his wife, (or the wife on the husband), they destroy the trust in the marriage, and humiliate the other spouse. This can destroy the love that is the foundation that marriage is built on.

Trust is something that is earned and holds the main function of marriage together along with love, of course. But you can still love someone, yet not trust them. This is difficult, but so often true.

This article is going to focus on why men cheat in my opinion. Statistically, men cheat much more often than women. I personally experienced this in two …

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