Do Women Like More Semen? Increase Your Ejaculate Naturally

Do Women Like More Semen? Increase Your Ejaculate Naturally

Sex is an important part of your life and there are certain aspects of your male sexuality that can impress your woman. Larger semen volume is one such aspect of your sexual power.

Yes! Women like more semen.

That is the most honest answer to the question, Do Women like more semen?

It is bust natural for your woman to think that you are more masculine and powerful if you ejaculate larger volume of semen. It is not just women who think like that but a large number of men also measure their manhood with the volume of semen they produce and ejaculate.

One of the most common problems that men face with age is that they experience a drop in their semen production. Your semen volume is directly related to your diet, lifestyle and testosterone levels. Testosterone is the hormone that is behind your libido, erectile function and semen …

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Pregnancy Week 5 – What to Expect This Week

Pregnancy Week 5 – What to Expect This Week

When it comes to arriving at week 5 of your pregnancy, some very wonderful events begin to take place. Here’s a look at what to expect at this stage of your pregnancy.


Your baby has a heartbeat! Yes, at week 5 the plate that is used in forming the actual heart in your baby has developed to the point where it starts beating. Although it is impossible to hear it you can be assured it is happening. This is a life changing moment to say the least.

Another event that takes place during this week of your pregnancy is that your baby’s neural tube starts the process of fusing. This is one of the reasons why your doctor has you taking folic acid. It helps with proper formation.


For mom, this is an equally eventful week as this is when morning sickness begins to make its daily appearance. …

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