7 Reasons Why Younger Men Date Older Women Via An Interview With a Man

I was talking on the phone with one of my male best friends’ named Dan. He’s 28 years old and I am only a few years older than him. Now as long as I have known Dan (about 4 years) he has always told me how his goal in life is to get a trophy wife. He wants to be the 40 year old with the 20 year old hot girlfriend and then eventually marry her too.

We got on the topic of younger men being interested in me and of course that led to me asking him if he had ever dated an older woman. He told me that he did a few years back. Naturally I was curious about his reasons why he would date older women.

Below are his reasons why he would be interested to date older women:

1. Older women are independent, i.e. …

7 Reasons Why Younger Men Date Older Women Via An Interview With a Man Read More

Great Diet Plan For Women’s Weight Loss

Today I have a simple diet plan for women. If you follow the steps I am about to lay out, weight loss will no longer be a mystery. The steps are nothing fancy, nothing complicated. They just work.

So, if you’re serious about losing weight, finish reading this short article to get clued in.

The Right Diet Plan For Women Weight LossBreakfast Time

Eat cottage cheese and drink a protein shake. If you like, you can also add a couple pieces of fruit and a low calorie yogurt. This is the kind of breakfast that will give your body the energy and protein it needs to get the day moving in the right direction.

You can also mix things up a bit. Eggs and rolled oatmeal are some other great options.

Just skip the sugary cereals.

Lunch Time

Choose a salad or soup that contains at least 20 …

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