Woman’s World Magazine – Weight Loss Secrets
Woman’s World Magazine is one of the top women’s weekly magazines with a ton of information on all aspects of life for women. You’ll find real life stories, delicious recipes, relationship advice, weight loss secrets, and so much more! Subscribe today! Publishers reserve the right to change number of issues, discontinue any format, or change method of subscription distribution. To read Woman’s World Magazine, visit publisher’s website at woman’sworld.com/subscription.
Case study of Virginia Willis
In a recent case study of Virginia Willis, a James Beard award-winning cookbook author and television chef, the authors discuss how she transformed her health and weight through a culinary health regimen. Willis shed 65 pounds in two years after learning about the importance of fitness and weight management. She first realized her problems with weight and fitness when she reached her early fifties. Since then, she’s devoted herself to a healthier lifestyle.