Exposing 5 Popular Hair Tips Myths
The Internet is saturated with hairdressing advice. Do this, do that, don’t do this, don’t do this and the list goes on and also on. How is one to know what is true and what exactly is simply hype or conjecture? Thankfully several very popular hair tips have ended up proved to be depending on fiction, rather than fact, when put within the microscope. In this article, we’re going to examine 5 of the extremely popular part of hair advice that you might encounter and expose them to the hair tips myths that they are.
Hair Tips Myth #1: If you want flowing hair to develop faster simply have it trimmed more often
Myth Alert! Myth Alert! Recent information taken from research being done on the University of California states that this is false! It is the follicles as part of your scalp that determines the pace of hair regrowth …
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