A Woman Looking for a Man to Marry
If you’re a woman looking for a man to marry, you’ve probably heard that the key to having a successful relationship is to be down to earth. That’s true – women seek men who are compassionate and empathetic, but they also want a man who will support them and be supportive of them as they go through life. To help you find a man who ticks all of these boxes, here are some tips.
Women want a man who is down-to-earth
What do women want in a man? A down-to-earth woman doesn’t require constant reassurance. While she may be a little less glam than her glamorous counterpart, down-to-earth women still have a sense of style and take pride in their appearance. They don’t need to dress up for every date or slap on a full face of makeup to impress a guy. They appreciate their own looks and style, and …
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