Women, Unleash Your Curvaceous Confidence!

As women we don’t have to hide our curves. If you have them flaunt them! Any time you are working on becoming a better version of yourself you must have a healthy self-esteem. That means you feel good on the inside. You can’t let your thighs or your hips make you feel uncomfortable or rob you of your confidence.


Even after losing weight many of us still have curves. And that is not a bad thing. Work what God blessed you with! Feel good about yourself, and feel good about the amazing, beautiful and curvy woman you are. Life is not about us trying to fit a mold that society has put us in. Not every woman is built the same or wants to weigh the same. Be yourself!

When you walk in a room carry yourself powerful. Make the environment more phenomenal just because you have entered it. Don’t be concerned about what others think. It is not what they think about you that even matters. It is what you think about yourself that matters.

The great thing about having curvaceous confidence is that even if you are working on losing weight, curvaceous confidence helps you to be happy and confident right where you are at. You realize right now (regardless of your size) that you are currently great not when the weight falls off. You are awesome right now, and you are simply working on becoming more awesome! Never judge your beauty by the scale, never let pounds

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Empowerment of Women in the World

Empowerment means the act of giving somebody more power. Women’s empowerment is very essential for our society. About fifty percent of the total population of the world is women. Women all over the world enjoy less power comparison to men. As they are 50% of the world’s population, they should be given power equal to men. Without their empowerment, no nation can prosper in the long run. Their participation is to be ensured in development work. It is a matter of great importance for them. Women development and the empowerment of women are the two inseparable factors that are to be guaranteed at all levels of state administration.


One upon a time women had no power. They had no freedom of speech against exploitation. In the past they were chained within four walls. They were regarded as the instruments of sexual enjoyments. The liberal thinkers in the 19th and 20th centuries raised their protesting voices against the harassment of women and advocated their rights equal to men.

The UN is actively working for women development as well as for empowerment. World women’s day was declared in 1975 and a women decade was observed between 1975 to 1985. The objective of women decade is women development, establishment of rights in the family, society and work fields.

First world women conference was held in Mexico in 1975. The first and foremost factor for women development is education. Without education no nation can prosper. Education makes a man useful to the society, to

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Ten Things Highly Successful Women Would Have Done Differently In High School

What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

About a year ago, I read an article written by someone who was giving advice to her younger self. I found it interesting, as I am always interested in learning from my mistakes and the mistakes of others. I am very focused on success for young women in high school and I thought it might be interesting to find out what some of the most successful women would have done differently in high school. High school really is the springboard to future success and I am forever and always a proponent of hard work and high achievement.


I devised a questionnaire and asked 60 highly successful women what advice they would give to current high school girls yearning for great successes in their lives, as well. My list of successful women included those that had reached the pinnacle of success in their respective fields, such as a Supreme Court Justice, several Chief Executive Officers and Chief Financial Officers, Law and Medical Professors at the most elite colleges in the country, a University President, a Governor, several Senators, a championship winning athlete, an Academy Award winning actress and a Pulitzer Prize winning author. Although it took me about a year to contact and compile my responses from these women, I was pleasantly surprised at their willingness to communicate their experiences and advice with me. It was

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